Monday, 24 August 2015

Player Preview - Leap of Fate

Title: Leap of Fate
Developer: Clever Plays
Status: Early Access

Official Site:
Steam Page:

Hey what’s up, Serpentine here taking a look at the Rouge Lite bullet hell game, Leap of Fate, the first game developed by Clever Plays. Leap of Fate has you participating in the Trials of Fate to become the most powerful mage alive or if you fail, doomed to become a permanent part of the Trials themselves.

Each level of the trials is randomly generated via a deck of cards with varying difficulties from 1 skull to 3 and varying loot drops so you will have to weigh up the risk and reward for each level. The levels themselves are fairly small and compacted with obstacles making your manoeuvrability extremely important along with the extremely fast paced gameplay. Luckily though you do have a dedicated dash ability that allows you to dash to your mouse cursor and with the damaging dash upgrade it can also be used as an extremely effective offensive move damaging every unit you dash through. The dash does consume mana though so you will have to use it sparingly especially as mana is also the resource used for your Glyph Ability. Speaking of which, your glyph ability begins as your characters defualt but you can change out this Glyph for others that can be found randomly in loot drops or special loot levels as well as being obtainable through the Glyph skill tree. The alternate abilities can be anything from spawning in a powerful ally to help you, placing a turret or even this rather interesting dual revolver ability.


Each levels theme and enemies are unique to the current stage of the trials you are attempting and are based on your characters worst fears. The first stage is based on the rooftops of New York with the majority of enemies being humanoid. Some of the other stages though include Egyptian themed levels with crazy flying mummies to fight against and a Laboratory theme with venomous snakes and resurrecting doctors. Later on in the harder difficulties you will also come across bosses to defeat that have a significantly larger health pool and unique attacks to become accustom too. As well as the boss fights there is the introduction of level modifiers for example this ice modified level that makes it difficult to move around or the 1 shot 1 kill modifier that applies both to the enemies and you. Death in Leap of Fate will have all your progress through the trials and abilities gained, lost. You do have one chance to resurrect for each trial run but it does cost a fair amount of Karma that is the only resource that carries over for each new run. There is some progress that is permanent for each character via completing certain achievements within the game that will unlock abilities permanently.  

The skill system in the game is divided into 4 separate trees. Passive Skills, Attacks Skills, Glyphs and Mobility skills. You don’t have access to these trees all of the time, instead, you need to find special skill tree cards in the random cards your dealt and even then the skill tree card will only be dedicated to one of the 4 different skill trees. You do however receive one free skill that you get to pick out of 3 by reaching the end of one of the stages so if you do get dealt a bad round with no level ups you can still get stronger, not to mention that you can also find a clockwork key in each stage that will allow you to purchase 1 of 3 cards that include health, glyph and skill cards. Each of the skill trees are fairly in-depth and are somewhat unique to each different character with over 80 different skills that you can obtain just for the one character.

As for the look and feel of the game, it actually reminded me a lot of the similarly card based Rouge Lite, Hand of Fate, however Leap of Fate does have a much more cartoon style look to it. The game is being developed for mobile devices alongside the PC so there are some aspects from mobile gaming that have transitioned over. For instance the game plays at a 4:9 resolution with black bars on the side while also have some UI elements crossing over like this prompt to leave the level. All that aside though the game has been ported really well and plays great on mouse and keyboard.

Other features of the game include 4 characters that will be available to play on release with Aeon the shadow mage, Big Mo the Technomancer, Mukai the spirit channeler and finally Rasimov the rouge occultist. Currently in the early access version Aeon the Shadow Mage and Big Mo the Technomancer are the only characters available to play. Each character will have their own back story and a set of 3 alternate endings to the game depending on your play style. These story sections are played out via these comic book style cut scenes that can be viewed once unlocked at the character screen and are averagely voice acted but do have intriguing story lines. There are 3 difficulty levels currently available to play with the easy mode being more of a tutorial to the game and is even unplayable after you complete it, normal mode introducing most if not all of the game mechanics like boss fights, level modifiers and so on and finally Hard Core mode which will be extremely difficult to defeat as even normal is quite hard to even get half way through the trials.

Altogether Leap of Fate actually really surprised me, having not heard anything about the game and is extremely fast paced fun. Accompanied by the rouge lite deaths the game can really invest you into a run and be devastating when you do finally die, losing all those upgrades and progress. The artstyle is bright and colourful which is a nice change from so many dark and dreary games of late. If you like fast paced bullet hell type games with punishing death mechanics, rewarding successes, random encounters and a great amount of replay ability then Leap of Fate is definitely a game to check out especially once all the other characters are released.

Anyway, that’s been my player preview for Leap of Fate. The game is currently available to purchase on Steams Early Access for $16 or you regional equivalent. If you want to find out more about the game check out the links below. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you guys next time.

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