Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Player Preview - Kyn

Title: Kyn
Developer: Tangrin Entertainment
Release Date: 28th of July

Official Site: http://bit.ly/1Dm7ST9
Steam Page:  http://bit.ly/1MGQbkr

Hey what’s up, Serpentine here taking a look at the Action RPG, Kyn, the first full 3D title developed by Tangrin Entertainment, a 2 man development team. Kyn has you playing as two Magni warriors that have just recently acquired their powers after a lengthy ritual underground. The Viking world as they once knew it has changed with once peaceful creatures turning hostile against humans due to an unknown power.

Controlling the individual characters will give you access to their 2 abilities and 1 ultimate. These aren’t tied to the characters and can be swapped with any other ability in the game with 3 distinct categories in Mind, Body and Control. With these 3 categories the game allows for 4 different play style for each of your characters. They can be an archer, a mage, a soldier with a sword and board or finally a berserker with a 2 handed axe. There is one more outlier in the form of an assassin wielding a dagger but during my time with the game I didn’t really find it all that viable. The ultimate abilities you have access to can do a couple of different things depending on which rare stone you pair with it and you will have to pair a stone to be able to use it. Your ultimate will charge differently depending on the stone equipped for instance a life stone requires you heal units to gain charges or for the death stone you have to kill units to gain charges. 

The combat in the game requires a lot of multi-tasking between your units position, abilities, target and you get thrown into it while still completing what could be considered the tutorial area. You can take individual control of each character and you will have to, to be able to use their abilities and move them into the appropriate positions for instance moving your archer away from all the enemies trying to kill you so that your tank can actually tank. Moving your characters as a group adds some features that are a little confusing at first but is actually a great way to organize your squad’s formation. Your squad will keep its spacing between each of the characters when moving the squad as a whole. You can also choose which direction your squad formation is facing by just holding right click and dragging so that the arrows are facing the enemy. This is especially useful for when you come across an unexpected encounter as you will already be prepared for combat and not have to spend the first few second getting your tank up to the front line.

If things do get a little bit too crazy you can enable a slow motion mode to give you some more time to think and manoeuvre through the situation. While its not really needed for the normal difficulty mode, if you’re playing on a higher difficulty this mode will become essential. One of the more impressive features of the game shows-up during the combat with creatures you are attacking actually being crippled by damage. The first stage of damage will have the enemy slowed then they will drop to the ground and start crawling around before you can finally land the finishing blow, something you don’t really see in many games and adds a nice touch of immersion and tactical play of crippling enemies so that they are easier to deal with.

Outside of combat each of your main characters have item slots for armour and weapons. These items can dropped from killing enemies, purchased from a store in towns and also from chests that are scattered around the world sometimes in plain sight, other times hidden in secret areas of the map. These items use the standard coloured rarity system with white being common and purple being rare, the higher the rarity the more additional effects the item will have rather than just plain base stat increases. Comparing the items currently equipped and in your inventory is as easy as mousing over the item, a small stat box for each character will pop-up and tell the stat upgrades and downgrades. You will have to take note of the bonus stats as a 10 damage axe can be better than a 15 damage axe because it has + 5 fire damage and + 5 poison damage or something similar.

Other features of the game include some interesting puzzles to solve, breaking up the gameplay here and there. The puzzles aren’t too hard at least at the beginning of the game and have so far been based around pressure plates activating certain map elements. You can also craft your own weapons and armour from resources gathered while completing missions out in the world as well as buying and selling these items at your home towns shop. Kyn’s music is something else to take note of as it’s fantastic and really adds that kind of almost lord of the rings feel to the game especially when paired with the beautiful environments.

All together Kyn sends you on an epic journey across the world going from luscious green meadows to snowy mountains and large cities under siege all in the search of answers for the sudden aggression from an unknown antagonist. While Kyn does a lot of things right there are some elements of the game that lack that final bit of polish for instance your characters inventory screen is fairly basic visually and there are some difficulties clicking on friendly and hostile units while moving. The base of the game is great it’s just the little things that could have done with a little bit more. If you enjoy Action RPG’s and like a good mystery story wise, Kyn is defiantly worth a look.

Anyway, that’s been my player preview for Kyn. The game officially released on the 28th of July and is available on numerous online stores including Steam. If you want to find out more about the game check out the links below. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you guys next time.

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